10 tips for safe and healthy exercise

Check out these tips for staying safe while exercising from our Blue Skies Ghana Fitness Instructor Sampson Kwawukumey…

1. Start off slowly—simple stretching exercises or a short walk around your house will do at first. Set small goals that are reasonable and achievable. Don’t try to do too much too soon.

2. Don’t overdo it. Always stop and rest for a few minutes if you become short of breath. Pace your activities and balance them out with periods of rest. Stop immediately if you experience any pain, particularly chest pain, dizziness, or light-headedness or you feel weak. Report any symptoms to your health care provider and never ignore pain.

3. Avoid exercises like sit-ups, push-ups, or isometric exercise that require your body to strain muscles against stationary objects or other muscles.

4. Don’t exercise if you feel unwell or have a fever. Wait for symptoms to disappear and consult your health care provider before exercising again.

5. Avoid outdoor exercise when the weather is too hot, cold, or humid as these conditions can affect your breathing.

6. If you have to stop exercising for a few days due to illness, weather conditions, or other commitments, make sure to reduce your exercise level when you resume activity to build back up again gradually.

7. Avoid hot or cold baths, showers, and saunas after exercising.

8. Try to avoid bed rest after activity, as this will reduce your tolerance to exercise. If you feel tired or breathless sit for a few minutes and practice your breathing exercises to recover.

9. Stay positive. It’s easy to become despondent if you set yourself targets that require too much effort too soon. You’ll soon build up your stamina and endurance levels.

10. Always discuss your exercise plans with your health care provider and continue to report your progress.

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